

;;; search parenthesis
  (defvar com-point nil
    "Remember com point as a marker. \(buffer specific\)")
  (set-default 'com-point (make-marker))
  (defun getcom (arg)
    "Get com part of prefix-argument ARG."
    (cond ((null arg) nil)
	  ((consp arg) (cdr arg))
	  (t nil)))
  (defun paren-match (arg)
    "Go to the matching parenthesis."
    (interactive "P")
    (let ((com (getcom arg)))
      (if (numberp arg)
	  (if (or (> arg 99) (< arg 1))
	      (error "Prefix must be between 1 and 99.")
	     (if (> (point-max) 80000)
		 (* (/ (point-max) 100) arg)
	       (/ (* (point-max) arg) 100)))
	(cond ((looking-at "[\(\[{]")
	       (if com (move-marker com-point (point)))
	       (forward-sexp 1)
	       (if com
		   (paren-match nil com)
	      ((looking-at "[])}]")
	       (if com (move-marker com-point (point)))
	       (backward-sexp 1)
	       (if com (paren-match nil com)))
	      (t (error ""))))))
  (define-key ctl-x-map "%" 'paren-match))

C-x % で対応するカッコにカーソルが飛びます。
Lisper 必携の超便利機能です。